Polyurethane moulding
A screenshot of the rimplas website

Shop Window? If you don’t want to be left behind then a great website is essential for continuous growth

According to Andy Hills at Rimplas Technologies, companies that do not have a website – or one that is up-to-date – are missing out on potential business.

When corporate websites first started appearing in the early 1990s most were text based, with just a few images and no real structure apart from the company’s name and a few paragraphs relating to the business it did. Back then flickering graphics would have been considered state-of-the-art.

Fast forward two decades and websites are considered one of the most cost effective and economic tools a business can have to promote your business. It’s become the norm for customers to use a search engine such as  Google to find what they want. And yet while a company without a website in this day and age is almost unthinkable many firms still don’t have one.